School Advisory Committee

The Shakopee Area Catholic School School Advisory Committee (SAC) is a group of ten members that serve in an advisory and consultative capacity to the school principal. The committee members serve 3-year terms and meet monthly to advise the principal regarding issues of formation and education unique to our school program. The members are school parents, engaged parish members, and faculty members.

The School Advisory Committee is called to a positive, forward-looking model of discussion intended to help the school realize ongoing goals and objectives that enhance student learning and character formation, and as such, exists to offer advice in certain matters of school development, but does not make administrative decisions.

The goals of the School Advisory Committee are:

  • To continue to grow in our prime goal of building a strong and robust faith community.
  • To continue to offer a strong educational program.
  • To continue to research the needs and feasibility of support and teacher specialists to meet the individual needs of the student.
  • To seek ways to increase retention and enrollment.

Below is the list of members:

  • Jennifer Carey
  • Sean Dolan
  • Karen Hentges
  • Lynn Hradnansky
  • Jill Kuepker
  • Jessica Peitz
  • Matt Smith
  • Jenna Heimer
  • Laura Wermerskirchen